Friday, February 22, 2008

Dear Fat,

Fuck you. I just kicked your ass. That's right, I'm wearing the Old Navy Western Shirt I bought 6 months ago. I haven't been able to fit in it and I was too lazy to return it. So I said to myself, "Keep it Justin, when you lose weight you'll fit in it." Now I do fit in it, and I fucking rule hard.

Mary's food was tasty, but I kept it light. Maggies cupcakes were godly and I only had one. We went to Miller-effing Bakery Cafe for lunch today and I had salad and fish. No crab cakes. No dessert. I'm totally fucking awesome. I feel like punching the sky and being like "I AM HAL JORDAN! I'M THE EFFING GREEN LANTERN!" BOO-YAH!

Thats me Broseph. Thats Me.

With Love,


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